Setting up a new domain name and configuring it to work with Google Apps email is about to get a lot easier. We’re working with the top domain registrars worldwide to reduce the number of manual steps necessary for this portion of the signup process. We made improvements earlier this year to allow users to more easily verify their domain with GoDaddy and eNom, now with a new API available to any registrar, users can verify and transfer their email in 3 easy steps, down from 10–and users are no longer required to leave the Google Apps signup flow to complete domain registration.
Customers can experience the new, easier process today with TransIP and Hover domains, as these registrars have completed their integrations with Google Apps signup flow API. More than 10 additional registrars, including some of the largest, are actively building through the API and are currently expected to be available through the simpler setup over the next few months:
If you are a registrar interested in implementing this RESTful API to automate the DNS setup process, please apply here.
 | Mohan Konanoor
Mohan Konanoor is a Software Engineer working for the Google Apps for Business team. He is currently leading various initiatives around the area of signing up and on-boarding for Google Apps.