Developers using the Google Apps APIs owe it to themselves to stay informed. To make it as easy as possible, we’ve adopted a standard process for making important announcements about the APIs.
All major outages or issues, although infrequent, are announced on the Google Apps APIs Downtime Notify list as quickly as possible. We also post updates and resolutions. All developers using the Google Apps APIs should subscribe.
Announcements about new APIs and features as well as best practices about the Google Apps APIs occur on the this blog. You can subscribe via e-mail (see right sidebar), using the feed, by following @GoogleAppsDev on Twitter, or by following members of the team on Google+.
If you want to hear about just the most important announcements, follow the Google Apps APIs Announcements forum. This is a low-volume list and you can subscribe via e-mail.
Lastly, you should subscribe to the individual forums for the Google Apps APIs you care about the most. A lot of technical discussion occurs in the forums and many advanced API users participate in the conversation along with Google engineers.