function doGet() { // Populate the DataTable. We'll have the data labels in // the first column, "Quarter", and then add two data columns, // for "Income" and "Expenses" var dataTable = Charts.newDataTable() .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.STRING, "Quarter") .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, "Income") .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, "Expenses") .addRow(["Q1", 50, 60]) .addRow(["Q2", 60, 55]) .addRow(["Q3", 70, 60]) .addRow(["Q4", 100, 50]) .build();
// Build the chart. We'll make income green and expenses red // for good presentation. var chart = Charts.newColumnChart() .setDataTable(dataTable) .setColors(["green", "red"]) .setDimensions(600, 400) .setXAxisTitle("Quarters") .setYAxisTitle("$") .setTitle("Income and Expenses per Quarter") .build();
// Add our chart to the UI and return it so that we can publish // this UI as a service and access it via a URL. var ui = UiApp.createApplication(); ui.add(chart); return ui;}
// Save the chart to our Document List var file = DocsList.createFile(chart); file.rename("Income Chart"); file.addToFolder(DocsList.getFolder("Charts")); // Attach the chart to the active sites page. var page = SitesApp.getActivePage(); page.addHostedAttachment(chart, "Income Chart"); // Attach the chart to an email. MailApp.sendEmail( "", "Income Chart", // Subject "Here's the latest income chart", // Content {attachments: chart });